CNN Series: LeNet
- LeNet-5 is a pioneering convolutional neural network (CNN) that played a foundational role in the field of deep learning, particularly in the application of using deep learning to image recognition tasks.
- Key Contributions:
- Conv Layer: Demonstrated the effectiveness of using learnable filters for feature extraction from images.
- Subsampling/Pooling Layer: Introduced the concept of spatial pooling (also known down-sampling) to reduce the spatial size of the representation, control overfitting, and reduce computational requirements.
- One more aspect about LeNet-5 regarding activations is that,
- for intermediate layers it used tanh
- for final output layer radial basis function (RBF) network to classify images.
- Architecture: LeNet-5’s architecture is relatively simple by today’s standards but was revolutionary at the time.
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Amar P
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